Thursday, December 30, 2010

Open The Eyes Of My Heart Lord

::Open the eyes of my heard Lord, i want to see you...i want my heart to be broken when something breaks yours, i want to walk in your footsteps, i want to run and not grow weary! I want to be your servant and serve you all my days!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Willow Creek Leadership Summit: A Thousand Questions

This Lady is right Why?? Why Because of our sin.........Why........
I was going to ask God, "WHY DON'T YOU DO MORE FOR THE WEAK. THE SAD, THE BROKEN & HURTING!!!!!" Did you ask Him? Well. no. Why? Because I was afraid He might ask me THE SAME QUESTION! Here am I, send me. HERE I AM SEND ME.......HERE I AM SEND ME..

Sunday, December 26, 2010

::I Traveled The Hard road so I could believe::

“When the pain of what we are going through becomes greater than the fear of change we change.” – Garrison Wynn

As a child, we always wanted to be happy and we always wanted our OWN way, I mean who wouldn't? The desire has more or less been swallowed up by other things, but every once in awhile you'll see it kinda pop OUT!. Getting older now that desire to always be happy has turned into running away from circumstances that could possibly help us become stronger people and stronger christian. A Few months ago it was a difficult time, and so while talking to a good mentor friend we told her that life was being difficult but that we were almost glad because that meant maybe God thought we were strong enough in that time period to handle some more difficult situations. Our friend totally agreed and she also said that if she could go back to her teenage years/childhood she would give up none of the harder situations, because she said it made her realize how much stronger she was then she thought, it also made her rely on God and become a stronger christian!
All this was going through our heads, and we agreed. Right now we would give up nothing We've gone through, yes it was difficult, still is and probably always will be, but still if we can bare some of what Jesus had to endure for us, We'll do it! Difficult times builds character.

You would think only
So much can go wrong
Calamity only strikes once
And you assume that this
One has suffered her share
Life will be kinder from here
 Sometimes the sun
Stays hidden for years
Sometimes the sky
Rains night after night
When will it clear
But our hope endures
The worst of conditions
It's more than our optimism
Let the Earth quake
Our hope is unchanged
How do we comprehend
Peace within pain
Or joy at a good man's wake?
Walk a mile with a woman
Whose body is torn
With illness
But she marches - on
[3x]:Emanuel, God is with us
El Shaddai, all sufficient
We never walk alone
This is our hope
Our hope endures
The worst of conditions
It's more than our optimism
Let the Earth quake
Let the Earth quake
Let the Earth quake
Our hope is unchanged  -Our Hope Endures::Natalie Grant

Thursday, December 23, 2010

::Isaiah 65:1-3::

"I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me. To a nation
That did not call on my name, I said "Here i am, here I am." All day long I have held out my hands to an
obstinate people who walk in ways not good, pursuing there own imaginations- a people who continually provoke me to my very face." -Isaiah 65:1-3

Continually Jesus  reveals himself to us, no matter if we ask for it or not. We are a nation that does  not call out to God but instead we continually spit into his face. Following our dreams without even thinking about  God and the plans we would like us to take, and knows are better for us! These verses put us to our knees! We consistently turn God away but he's always still there, we try shutting him in all sorts of way! Stretching out his arms he calls me by name, he says "I love you more then anyone or anything, why do you shut me out? I've always been there for you and always will! You would rather take back an ex-boyfriend then ask for my forgiveness!" We wonder why that is? It must made God extremely sad when we shut him out! We pray that we will never do that to God again, we want to try to always honor and glorify him in everything we do!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

::A heart that groans for Jesus::

A heart that's truly broken
The Lord will not deny!
The heart the begs for Jesus
He will not set aside!
The tongue that sings his praises
Will be lifted high!
The body used for His glory
Will meet Him by and by.

Although its possible to put words together on a sheet of paper, the real question is do you mean them? We know we aren't perfect, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, but while we are here on the earth those are some things we would like to work on having. A heart that's truly broken, means a humble and contrite heart. A heart that begs for Jesus, meaning a heart that wants Him and knows it cant make it through like without Him! A tongue that sings his praises, in other words a tongue that thinks before it speaks, and says things God honoring!Alot of teens these days use profanity,which the bible speaks against, so the next time you're going to say a word, think, would you say it to Jesus? Then decide weather you should say it or not. :) And last but not least, the body used for His glory! The bible warns us against being slothful, and this is one thing we are trying to work on a lot. Instead of just being lazy get out and do something! And let EVERYTHING you do be done unto Him! This poem is just an example of a couple of things we think we need to work on, and set our minds on attaining! Hope y'all enjoyed! Have a blessed day!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

*To give up Everything*

 When Jesus heard this, he said to him, "You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me (what verse im sorry we don't know)

"In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple" -Luke 14:33

This is a hard verse atleast for us to grasp! Its a hard thought giving up everything to follow Christ...and we mean everything...think about it! Maybe God is asking you to dress differently,maybe not going to that party,sitting with someone  who you wouldn't normaly sit with maybe its not texting or watching t.v. for a awhile or maybe its not dating. We don't know what it is for you guys but we hope y'all do. We aren't stating that we think God wants us to give up like living in a house or driving a car or so on. For some people he might be asking them to do that, but everyone is different. Stay in the word make sure it's covering you and always always be in deep pray, that God will show you what he wants you to do! We pray God helps us all be radical christians for him!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

::Dare to be different::

As teenagers we all want to fit in no matter what ages we are and no matter if we are adults. I don't know why it is,that we have to be in the "in" croud to feel special!? What people dont understand is that the "in" crowd people are just like everyone else! They want to feel secure so they might dress better,drive better vehicles ECt... What about all the people that aren't in the in crowd? How do we help them? this post is not about the in crowd this post how to get out of your comfort zone and help people who need it,putting yourself aside and helping people who are friendless! So what do we do ignore them? Only talk to them when it's comfortable for us or what? In the bible Jesus said when you help the least of these you help me. That should give you some great ideas! If someone is sitting by themselves at a table go invite them to sit with you, who cares what your friends think because if they make fun of you they really weren't your friends to begin with. I'm sorry but it's true! What About the people who seem to have it all but are still not nice?!? How do we help them!? Well we are sorry to say we are still struggling with that one! It's Extrememly diffcult to be nice and lovingto people who constantly stab you in the back with their words or actions! We have learned that you just need to keep loving them,under all that meanness is a person who is in pain and is screaming for someone to see them hear them and help them! We encourage you to keep fighting for what is right And true! Praying Gods blessing on all of you! Pray for the people you know that are like this no matter how difficult it is or becomes! God honors out prays when we come with a clean heart! there is a quote that says people that deserve love the least need it the the most!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

::His way is better::

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not on thine own understanding.
In all they ways acknowledge Him and he shall direct thy paths.

                                                               Proverbs 3:5-6

Ok so what are we teens known for? Haha you guessed it, being know-it-alls who LEAN ON THEIR OWN UNDERSTANDING! And we cannot agree with the bible more on this! How many times have your parents told you to do something and you think "why in the world are they telling me to this, man they don't know what they're talking about" , or how many times have you felt God calling you to do something and we think "Ok God,  you seriously don't expect me to do that do you?" If you're anything like us you've thought that over 100 times. God said in ALL our ways to acknowledge him, that means to seek and do HIS will, not our own! God says in Isaiah 55:9, "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my thoughts above your thoughts, and my ways above your ways", which means that he is gonna know best in EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF EVERY SINGLE THING! So the next time you feel like "leaning on your own understanding" remember what Isaiah 55:6 says, "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call upon Him while he is near", and believe me, you'll be much better off! God bless!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

::Don't Just read it, Do it!::

Creating this blog has helped our faith tremendously, we hope it has helped yours as well! The whole point of this blog is to encourage young people,teenagers,and adults to constantly keep growing in the faith!  It's totally awesome to read and blog(we love it!) but when it keeps you from having ministries that's where we have a problem! We don't want this blog to be the only "spiritual" thing you do. We encourage you to read then pass around  to others. Listening to a christian radio station or reading a christian blog doesn't mean you are in the fight! You have to  get OUT THERE out of your comfort and be spreading Jesus! We hope y'all all are in ministries at church or praying about which ministry you think God wants you to be apart of!

"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but des not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law  that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it-he will be blessed in what he does. If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
James 1:22-27