Please before reading this blogpost watch this video, and think.
Wow. Did that video touch,convict and challenge you? Think. Personally I know this video speaks directly to me becuase I KNOW I love my comfort zone. Think. God, please bring us out of our comfort zone, please. While Christians are sitting on the sofas the world outside is crumbling. Im concerned I don't have anguish. No sorrow,no pain,no heartach, no burden for my world which is going to hell. When I think about the babies dying at the abortion clinic Im sad, yes, I may go to the abortion clinic and minster, I may pray, but am I so sad that I cry,weap, pray and pray for it stop. Sadly no. Which I am embarrased at. O God forgive me for not having anguish, for not being concerned about others. Don't get me an easy life, give me a life I will be proud of because with every ounce of strength I served you.