Tuesday, July 26, 2011

~Called to serve~

Lately I've been thinking and praying a lot about what I'm going to do after high school, this being my junior year, I suppose I should start giving it a little thought :) I've recently had a great desire to go on a mission trip, or more of a desire to do something "big" for God. I was telling Mama about these thoughts, explaining that I felt like I needed to go somewhere far away in order to be serving God. Mama didn't discourage these idea's, but instead she told me that right now I'm where God's put me. Maybe he doesn't need me to go halfway around the world to serve him, or even to do "big" things for him, I can do it right now, here in my home! EVERYWHERE we go we are called to shine the light of Jesus, not only in far away countries, but here, in our communities, in our churches, in our homes. If I can't serve Jesus where he's placed me for the time being, then I certainly can't serve Him anywhere else. Right now, at age 16, I'm under my parents, so one of the best ways I can serve God and bring glory to His name is by honoring my parents and being a help to them right now where he's put me, and if I get a chance to go out in serve well then praise Him! And I'm not saying that going to a far away country is a bad idea, I think spreading the gospel in foreign places is WONDERFUL, but, if that's not where God wants you at the time, don't feel discouraged like there's nothing you can do for Him, look around you, there are opportunities everywhere :)

1 comment:

  1. You two have got it right...and God reminded me of that on the way home from our mission trip last week when I sat next to a 16 year old boy on the plane. God gently spoke to my heart...I was aching for the children and teens of the Warm Springs Reservation (and rightly so), but He reminded me that all around me are hurting teens (like this one who shared his story with me)and that, while going out to the Rez is great and important, I need to be willing to pour my life out and share the love of Christ and the Gospel that brings reconciliation with God with those I come into contact with every day!
    Keep challenging us all girls...you make my heart smile!
